Are you ready to begin your journey?

we’ll do it together

You’re in the right place

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

Adulting can be hard but with the right support you can thrive even in the midst of chaos. As adults we often spend so much of our time caring for others or just surviving, our needs are often neglected. Take the time to take “CARE OF YOU”.

how we can work together

Individual Counseling


Self-Pay Couples Counseling


“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it”.

Maya angelo


  • Yes. I accept most BCBS plans, Cigna United Healthcare and Aetna.

  • The first session is meant to gather information, history/goal setting. A follow up session the next week is often recommended to get started on your goals. Based on the severity of the presenting issues and your needs therapy sessions may continue weekly or biweekly. Most clients find some relief within the first 6-8 sessions.

  • We start each session by checking in. I’ll ask about your week and whether there’s anything pressing you’d like to process. If not we continue from previous sessions working toward your desired outcome.

  • Each insurance plan is different. It’s important to understand what’s available within your own plan. However, in many cases insurance will cover mental health or behavioral health care as long as there’s a mental health diagnosis that meets medical necessity criteria.

  • In most cases insurance will not cover couples counseling as it is generally not a medically necessary service. If you were to contact your insurance company they’d likeIy say they cover couples therapy. What they mean is they cover a procedure code that covers family therapy. This means if an identified client is diagnosed with a mental health disorder and a family member or partner joins the sessions to assist them in recovery.

    Couples therapy as defined focuses on improving the relationship it self therefore we do not accept insurance for couples work.

    Fees for Couples Therapy

    Initial Session 90 min ($210)

    Follow up Sessions 60 min ($160)